02.07.2025Excerpt from "Engineering Landmarks" in Architectural Record
02.07.2025Conversation with Guy Nordenson in Architectural Record
01.13.2025Engineer Alexandra Steelman featured in DETAIL
11.11.2024Guy Nordenson speaks at MoMA
10.22.2024Rising Currents Conversation with the Center for Architecture
08.13.2024IAAM featured in TIME Magazine
06.26.2024Marlon Blackwell Architects Reveals Design for Air Traffic Control Tower in Columbus IN
05.01.2024Rothko Chapel Campus Expansion breaks ground
04.30.2024International African American Museum featured in Architect Magazine
04.30.2024Rubenstein Commons Receives 2024 PCI Design Award
02.06.2024Designs for McColl Park in The Architect's Newspaper
01.10.2024The Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Greenway receives AIANY Design Award
12.21.2023The International African American Museum wins The Architect's Newspaper 2023 Project of the Year
12.19.2023SA House featured in Architectural Record
11.29.2023International African American Museum featured in National Geographic
10.06.2023Opening of Day’s End’s Gansevoort Peninsula featured in The New York Times
09.28.2023Private Residence featured in The Wall Street Journal
09.01.2023Guy Nordenson organizes symposium “Komendant and Kahn: Engineer and Architect at the Kimbell Art Museum”
08.01.2023International African American Museum featured in The Architect's Newspaper
07.27.2023International African American Museum featured in Dezeen